HomeKeith Bruss2021-02-24T13:30:41-05:00 WHEN YOU WANT NOTHING BUT THE BEST CHOOSE BONINFANTE Shop Clutches Now PROVEN PERFORMANCE100% of Fuel Car teams trust Boninfante. Win more, set more records, and achieve more with Boninfante. GUARANTEED DURABILITYOur products are engineered and purpose-built to be able to handle the extreme stress of a performance environment. UNBEATABLE VALUEYou'll love our performance, technical knowledge, and ability to provide a custom clutch that's better then the others. UNMATCHED SERVICEKnowledgeable staff, an excellent warranty, 90-days of adjustment, and a commitment to provide you the best clutch. All ClutchesFAST Shipping for orders in the USA Shop Now built specifically for you and your applicationcustom clutches Build My Clutch FEATURED PRODUCTSNEW ARRIVALSUSE #BORNFROMTOPFUELTECHNOLOGY AND FOLLOW @BONINFANTEUSA ON INSTAGRAM